NIAMS Operating Level: $539,082,000

Each fiscal year, once an appropriation has been received, the Institute develops an operating plan for the funding of research and training grants. Many factors occurring throughout the fiscal year can affect the operating policies, thus they are subject to change. For the most current information, it is always best to check with an appropriate Institute official.

Research Project Grants

  • The FY 2010 appropriation as specified in P.L. 111-171 provides a 2 percent inflation allowance for NIH investments in research supported by research grants. Implementation of this policy requires a reduction to previously established commitments, which were based on a 3 percent inflation allowance. This means most noncompeting awards will receive a reduction of approximately 1 percent below the commitment level, which will be applied to all remaining years of the grant. FY 2010 noncompeting awards previously issued with a greater reduction during the Continuing Resolution will be revised to restore funds to the level indicated above. This policy does not apply to projects supported by the Recovery Act, SBIR/STTRs, Research Career Awards, and Ruth L. Kirschstein-National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Fellowships and Institutional Training Grants.
  • The payline for competing R01 applications will be through the percentile of 15.0.
  • The payline for competing R01 applications from new investigators will be through the percentile of 20.0. Consistent with NIH policy, both investigators must be new for a dual-investigator application to be eligible for the payline advantage.
  • The payline for R21 applications will be through the percentile of 15.0.
  • The payline for R15 applications will be through priority score 30.
  • The payline for the R03 solicitation will be through priority score 34.
  • Based on a case-by-case review of grant applications by program directors, reductions from direct costs recommended for competing awards will be approximately 10 percent. No reductions will be taken on applications with direct costs of $100,000 or less.
  • A pool of funds has been set aside for selective payment. Applications chosen for select pay are those that do not fall within the current percentile payline but which are deemed to have particular relevance to the Institute's scientific and health priorities. Projects to be funded on this basis are recommended by Institute staff and/or advisory council members. Applicants may not apply for select pay consideration. Final decisions are made by the Director, NIAMS, following staff discussion.
    • The payline for SBIR applications will be through priority score 27.
    • The payline for STTR applications will be through priority score 32.

Research Career Awards

  • The payline for K01/K02/K08/K25 applications will be through priority score 30.
  • The payline for K23/K24 applications will be through priority score 30.
  • The payline for K99 applications will be through priority score 14.

Research Training

  • The payline for research training fellowship applications (F31, F32, and F33) will be through priority score 30.
  • The payline for institutional training applications (T32) will be through priority score 25.
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